Buy: MobileSoftMarket, BerryReview, BlackBerryCool, BlackBerryItalia, CrackBerry, Handango, MobiHand.
New Features:
Ziplorer helps you to pack and unpack zip files directly on your BlackBerry®! The most famous PKZip and GZip formats are supported by now. With Ziplorer you can now receive zip files on your BlackBerry® and unpack them directly on your device. Quick Guide: ziplorer_quick_guide.pdf Ziplorer supports the following current BlackBerry® devices: 7130, 8100, 8300, 8700, and 8800 series. |
Ziplorer Product Site:
A product by S4BB Limited.
We are also licensing our Ziplorer application. If you are interested in obtaining the pkzip source code or library for commercial purposes of building or enhancing your own BlackBerry Zip application please feel free to contact us via email.
We are also licensing our Ziplorer application. If you are interested in obtaining the pkzip source code or library for commercial purposes of building or enhancing your own BlackBerry Zip application please feel free to contact us via email.